Integration of multiscale microwave imaging technologies for OPV Modules production

Integration of multi scale microwave imaging technologies into Dracula Technologies S2S pilot line for OPV Modules production

Dracula Technologies is addressing various markets, such as autonomy sensors, home automation, health, security … by offering specific OPV modules fabricated using inkjet printing technic for indoor use. The key performances of its OPV are not only related to the properties of the photoactive layer but also to the interfaces between the layers in the stack.

MMAMA, project in which Dracula Technologies participates, develops non-destructive characterisation which gives an additional disruptive and innovative breakthrough to speed-up the product development and to drive production process in real-time. Dracula Technologies works in an exclusively B2B approach and must ensure quality across the entire value chain, from raw materials to end users. In Dracula’s markets, the effectiveness of LAYER® modules is defined by the intrinsic properties and the quality of the different printed layer at the microscopic and nanoscopic levels.

In this context, the integration of dynamic measurements such as impedance spectroscopy, dielectric resonators, microwave measurement developed within MMAMA, is a key element in the reliability of our production process at industrial scale. In particular, the validation of impedance spectroscopy (IS) for the electrical characterisation of organic semiconductors used by Dracula Technologies for their LAYER modules was demonstrated. This specific method can be considered for in-line implementation on the S2S pilot line of Dracula Technologies. For organic semiconductors and interfacial materials used in OPV the ability of split post dielectric resonator (SPDR) to characterize organic conducting thin film was also demonstrated. Different deposited layers based on Dracula Technologies materials has been already tested within MMAMA.

The complete validation of this method will be addressed by the end of the project and supports the validation and the off-line implementation of SPDR on the pilot line of Dracula Technologies.

Dracula Technologies will present its results obtained in the framework of MMAMA during the final workshop on October 1st in Valence:

Contact: Brice Cruchon