Description of the organisation

Keysight Technologies is one of the world's premier electronic measurement companies with 10.000+ employees (spin out from Agilent Technologies in 2015). Keysight offers a portfolio of different electronic measurement equipment, calibration and software routines, including high speed oscilloscopes and performance network analysers (PNA) that are in many aspects leading the edge on performance, speed, and sensitivity at frequencies including 67 GHz, 110 GHz, and up to 1.2 THz. Also, it is the only provider of an integrated and novel near-field microwave imaging microscope that combines microwave imaging with nanoscale investigations using the scanning probe microscope. Keysight Technologies Austria GmbH includes one of the leading research labs on the microwave nanoscale imaging including high frequency PNA technology and tomographic imaging reconstruction. The Austrian research lab is the only Keysight lab worldwide with a focus on the high frequency nanoscale imaging technology including near-field imaging. Several Keysight scientists work in this lab on those technologies with a strong footprint in basic science.

As leader of WP2 on SMM developments towards industrial applications Keysight will work on the SMM hardware including RF-electronics and large scan adaptation. Also, new measurement routines for broadband frequency measurements will be developed and adapted towards advanced materials reference samples. In the modelling WP3 Keysight will develop new sample geometry for EMPro 3D FEM solver integrated with the electronic ADS circuitry design software which will give improved modelling results that are compared to SMM measurement results. On top of the SMM the dielectric probe kit working in the same RF regime will be used for complementary complex permittivity measurements of large sample sizes, and particularly adapted towards in-line measurements in pilot production in WP4 and 5. Standard operating procedures are developed and integrated with an open access database in WP6 such that the work lays the foundation for the larger SMM scientific society.

Significant infrastructure / major items of technical equipment

The Keysight Austria laboratory is equipped with the latest technology for high frequency measurements including high speed oscilloscopes, 20 and 50 GHz PNAs, PXI-VNAs, large stage 5600 AFM, small stage 5500 AFM, two microwave universal nose cones, microwave generators, impedance & material analyser, handheld network and signal analysers (FieldFox) and source meters SMU B2900 and current analyser CX3300, all from Keysight. The modelling suite EMPro2016 is used for microwave 3D simulations to compare with experiments, as well as electronic circuitry design ADS2016. Various complex impedance probe kits are available together with the N1500 measurement software suite all from Keysight. 

Main publications related to the project

  • [1] F. Kienberger, Microwave imaging at the nanoscale: quantitative measurements for semiconductor devices, materials science and bio-applications. Royal Microscopy Society Infocus Review, Issue 44, Dec 2016, 22-35.
  • [2] G. Gramse et al, “Quantitative sub-surface and non-contact imaging by scanning microwave microscopy”, Nanotechnology 26, 135701 (2015). Cover story.
  • [3] E. Brinciotti., Calibrated Nanoscale Dopant Profiling and Capacitance of a High-Voltage Lateral MOS Transistor at 20 GHz Using Scanning Microwave Microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 16, No.2, March 2017, 245-52.
  • [4] E. Brinciotti., Capacitance and dC/dV imaging of semiconductors at 20 GHz frequency. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 17, No.1, Jan 2017, 75-82
  • [5] A. Lucibello et al., A broadband toolbox for SMM transmission measurements, Rev. Sci. Instr. 87, 053701-11 (2016)

Key people involved

Dr. Ferry Kienberger (Keysight Labs Group leader and Research Scientist on microwave nanoscale imaging, network analysis, and nanotechnology, 90+ scientific peer reviewed publications with Hfactor 34 and 3350 citations in total. Several invited talks at semiconductor research events including EuMW, IEEE IMS, AAAS, IAEA and lead author of 3 SMM review articles eg in Material Research Society Jan 2017).

Dr. Manuel Moertelmaier (Researcher on algorithms, 3D image reconstruction, machine learning and new measurement modes). Scientific papers published in Nature and other high-impact journals. Several patents in the field of imaging and data analysis, as well as Keysight invention disclosures and defensive publications.

Manuel Kasper (Electrical engineer on PNA and RF-electronics; development of advanced complex impedance measurement modes). Various papers in technical journals including IEEE and patent applications as well as Keysight invention disclosures and defensive publications.